God's Laws of Finance and Stewardship Thought Conditioners

God’s Laws of Finance and Stewardship

God's Laws of Finance and Stewardship Thought Conditioners

“One man gives freely, yet grows all the richer, another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want.”  (Proverbs 11:24)

 The world prospers by hoarding, but God reveals that the way to supernatural prosperity is through giving.

God doesn’t operate by this world’s system, and it’s more important for us to understand how God’s financial system works than it is to understand Wall Street.

God’s laws of prosperity always keep God first while the world’s system of prosperity always puts money first.

In God’s economy, you move closer toward your goals by giving than you do by clinging to everything you have. It all comes down to faith. 

Everyone wants to prosper, but few people are willing to pay the necessary price of study and
meditation in God’s Word which is necessary in order for His laws of prosperity to be manifested.

Only a small percentage of Christians are willing to pay the price of constant study and meditation that God requires in 2 Timothy 2:15, Psalm 1:1–3 and Joshua 1:8.

Meditating day and night on God’s laws of prosperity, speaking them with your mouth and acting on them in your life, will activate God’s laws of prosperity.

The two most important steps toward prosperity are to realize that God is your source, and to develop the mindset of a steward. Once you do those two things, the Word of God will cause you to prosper. 

In the world, people study the Wall Street Journal and all the stock market tips to decide how to handle their money.  This is fine for man’s system of prosperity, but Christians should study God’s laws of prosperity which are found in the greatest instruction book that this world has ever known – the Holy Bible.

If we want God to prosper us, we must give ourselves wholly to continual study and meditation in His Word

None of us should expect our Father to prosper us unless we are willing to pay the price of working hard at studying His Word.

We renew our minds through constant study and meditation in God’s Word.

If I had to boil everything that I have learned down to just four words, this four-word prescription for God’s prosperity would be, “always keep God first.”

We should say, “God, I’m going to put you first and keep you first every hour of every day of my life. I’m going to study and meditate constantly in your Word and do exactly what it tells me to do, trusting completely in you to supply every one of my needs.”

If you give a little, you get a little – but when you give liberally, you get liberally. When you sow a lot, you reap a lot.

Nearly everyone wants to reap a lot, but they try sowing as little as possible, it doesn’t work that way. You can’t give by the teaspoon and expect to receive by the truckload. If you want to receive by the truckload, then you have to give by the truckload.

If we sow sparingly, we will reap a modest harvest. If we sow bountifully, cheerfully and ungrudgingly, God will supply abundantly so that we will always have everything that we need with enough left over to contribute to every good work.

If you can look at all your assets and say, “I produced all of this,” then you haven’t tapped into God’s abundance yet. When you put God’s kingdom first, the Lord will prosper you supernaturally. And it will be abundant.

If you aren’t embarrassed by your level of prosperity, then there is a good chance you aren’t depending on God as your source.

God is the source of our prosperity but notice the Scripture doesn’t say God gives us wealth. God doesn’t send us checks in the mail; He gives us the power to get wealth. (Duet. 8:18)  He releases an anointing on whatever you do and causes it to prosper – and the blessing of God is so powerful that it cannot be reversed.

Gifts also have an effect in the spiritual realm. When you give, it opens up doors for you. It can create opportunities and bring you before powerful people.

God evaluates prosperity by how much of a blessing you are to others

Financial success isn’t about you – it’s really about how much money is flowing through you.

By fixing your heart, you deal with the root cause of financial situations, and then money will take care of itself. Once your heart is right, using wisdom in how you spend/invest your money comes naturally.

Without the blessing of God upon your life, you wouldn’t even have the ability to prosper.

It is important to develop the mindset of being a steward – over God’s money, not yours.

It was purely the favor of God that made him rich. In the same way, your efforts are not the source of prosperity in your life.

Abraham saw God as his source. He trusted in God, and because of that, God prospered him supernaturally. God is the one who opens doors of opportunity. God is our source, and just like Abraham, we need to recognize that the money we have belongs to God.

I recognize that I am not the one who has caused my success. It isn’t my great wisdom or ability that has caused our ministry to succeed, it’s the blessing of God.

The way God gets you to trust Him in that area of your life is by asking you to give a portion of what you earn back to him, and He promises to bless you back in return. It helps to remember that the power to get wealth comes from God, and it teaches you to trust God as your true source of prosperity.

Once you begin trusting God for that which is seen – money – then you will be able to trust him for that which is unseen: health, peace, joy, prosperity, and God’s favor in your life.

Once the favor of God is on our lives, it cannot be stopped! The only thing that can derail the blessing of God is our own unbelief and negativity. As long as we keep believing, the blessings of God will keep coming.

When you know God is your source, you won’t cling to assets. This mindset will help you sleep at night! It will completely transform your life to learn to rely on God instead of trusting in assets or other people. You can actually live your life without being tied to, or a servant of, your money. 

When we follow God’s laws of prosperity, we receive His wisdom in our finances and in every
area of our lives because His laws of prosperity apply to much more than just our finances.

Money is nothing! It’s the blessing and favor of God on you that is the real asset. The true power of money is in using it to bless others and help grow the kingdom, which will also change your future.

(When they get to heaven…) They’ll still be blessed and overwhelmed by the love of God because we aren’t saved according to our works, but there won’t be anybody waiting to welcome them into heaven because they never used their money to spread the gospel and change lives.

You won’t know how many lives you have touched by giving to support the preaching of the gospel until you get to heaven and see everyone lined up to greet you.

Money is not our greatest asset. Wise people invest their money in the future. Remember, the blessing of God is what makes you rich, not money. As long as you have God’s blessing, wealth will find you. The key is learning not to spend all of your money on short-lived pleasures but using some of it to help shape your future. Not just on earth, but so multitudes of people will be waiting to welcome you into heaven.

God’s kind of prosperity results from faith. When you work so that you can have money to give, God takes care of you. It’s a mindset and a heart condition, not a get rich scheme. 

The highest form of giving is to help share the gospel. When you start helping the good news to be shared, demonstrating the love of God in word and deed, there is a divine flow that takes place. God starts supernaturally supplying your needs.

There’s nothing wrong with being prosperous. God wants you to have nice things, but your heart attitude should be that prosperity isn’t about you – it’s really about how much is flowing through you.

God gave us two hands: one hand to receive, and one hand to give. If God can get the money through you to other people, then he will get it to you – and as the money flows through there will be plenty left over for you.

God’s kind of prosperity comes when you shift your focus from getting and maintaining stuff, to living to give

Many people will have had $1 or $2 million pass through their hands in this life, but they won’t have anything to show for it in eternity. They will have spent all of their money on cars, clothes, and food. Right now, we have the privilege of taking something that will eventually be completely destroyed and converting it into something that will never pass away.

Once you understand this truth, you realize what an incredible blessing it is to be able to give. It’s the investment opportunity of a lifetime.

You have to rely on God and trust that He is your source. It has to be a heart–level revelation, not just a conclusion you arrive at mentally. But once you grab hold of this, it will revolutionize your life. You will be completely transformed once you believe that by putting God first, he will begin to supernaturally take care of you. It will bring you a tremendous amount of peace and confidence.

Prosperity isn’t about indulging your flesh, that’s not it at all. Prosperity is about giving. When you get that attitude, God will get money to you – and there will be plenty left over for you.

The Lord is searching the earth, looking for people who will believe His promises and put first the kingdom of God. He is looking for people who will give genuinely, from the heart, not as a form of manipulation – not giving just to get. God is literally searching the world for people He can give finances to, people who are givers.

You could turn this around and say that if you are consistently short on money, if you always have more month then you have money, then maybe God doesn’t see you as a giver.

Sowers are the people God is searching the world to find.

It’s only what you give away that you get to keep, and no one is a fool to give away
something they can’t keep in order to get something they can never lose – Jim Elliot

When you get the attitude of a giver and walk it out over time, God will increase your finances. If God can get money through you, He will get it to you – and it won’t be long before you have plenty left over for yourself.

God won’t let you outgive him. God always blesses you back when you show faith in Him by giving of your substance. You will never be more faithful to God than He is to you.

Giving is a powerful part of tapping into God’s prosperity. Several different things help determine the harvest you get from your giving – like the attitude you give with, where you give, and trusting God as your source – so there isn’t a formula. But you can’t really prosper in God’s economy until you start sowing into his kingdom.

As you become a deliberate, on purpose giver – and you do it motivated by love – it will start a flow of God’s blessings into your life that will cause you to prosper like never before.

Giving with the right attitude, and in the full knowledge that God is your source, will really prosper you.

When you honor God by giving the firstfruits of your increase, then the Lord turns around and says, “so shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine.” The way we would say that today is, “I’m going to fill up your checking account, and your savings account is going to burst.” 

Giving is how you wind up with a huge savings – not by hoarding. When you take a portion of what you have and trust God with it, then it becomes a seed that yields greater increase in the future.

Planting seed ensures that you have a crop in the future to feed your family and provide for your needs. Most people are short-term thinkers. They don’t see the wisdom in giving because the natural mind can’t understand the things of the spirit.

The liberal soul shall be made fat is another way of saying that when you are a giver, you will have more money than you need. You’ll have riches in reserve. God will bless you and multiply you.

The blessings that we receive from our Father will be in direct proportion to the degree of our true, deep and lasting commitment in Him.

Prosperity is a byproduct of seeking God, it shouldn’t be the goal

Our Father has more than enough to meet every one of our needs. Too many of God’s children are focusing on inflation, interest rates and unemployment instead of meditating constantly upon his promises. Heaven’s economy isn’t dependent in any way upon the condition of a man-made economic system!

The Holy Spirit is the world’s best salesman, the world’s best mechanic, the world’s best factory worker, the world’s best engineer, the world’s best nurse, the world’s best doctor, the world’s best dentist, etc. etc.  There is no limit to what he can do through us in any occupation. Our job is to do the very best we can with the human abilities that He has given us and then to trust in Him for the rest.

This is what “separates the men from the boys” spiritually. Strong faith demands action. If we really believe, then we’ll do exactly what our Father’s Word tells us to do.

For Scripture References, refer to “God’s Laws of Finance & Stewardship”
in the “Word of God” section of

Victory for the believer comes in knowing and choosing God’s truth.

“Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. She is more precious than rubies, nothing you desire can compare with her. Long life is in her right hand, in her left hand are riches and honor.”
Proverbs 3:13 – 16