The Believer's Authority

The Believer’s Authority

The Believer's Authority


Most people have a humanistic view of how life works. Even though Christians don’t like this terminology, many of them function day by day with this mentality. By only looking on the surface level, they don’t recognize the spirit realm behind it all.

Humanists don’t acknowledge God. As a whole, they’re either agnostic or atheist—believing that everything in life has a natural, physical cause. It’s sad to say, but many Christians have this same attitude. They don’t realize the spiritual dynamics behind what’s happening in the physical realm.

We are in a spiritual battle! Every single day, there is a battle raging in the spirit realm for the heart of each individual person, society, and the world as a whole. God is trying to draw us toward Himself and righteousness. He’s trying to influence us to live consistently with Him so that His blessings can manifest in our lives.

At the same time, Satan is trying to steal our hearts away from God. In an all-out battle against the Lord and His kingdom, the enemy is pouring all the trash and corruption he can into our lives.

Most of us—even Christians—don’t recognize the intense battle being waged all around us each and every day. We don’t know the spiritual significance of our choices, words, and actions. We’re functionally ignorant of how these things determine whether we’re yielded to God and releasing His power and blessing into our lives, or yielded to Satan and releasing sin and death into our lives. (Rom. 6:16.)

The devil can’t control you outside of your will. However, your lack of awareness and understanding of the battle only works to his advantage. If you choose to believe God’s Word and learn to recognize what’s happening in the spirit realm, you can begin taking the proper action to improve your situation. You can cooperate with God to manifest His power and blessings.

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7

You can resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Your passivity and lack of resistance doesn’t mean that the battle isn’t raging. It just simply means that you aren’t winning. Satan is beating you in this area.

As you begin to understand and exercise your authority as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, Satan will flee and God’s power and blessings will manifest in your life greater than ever before.

Chapter 1 – We’re In A Spiritual Battle

“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Eph 6:10-12

God’s Word reveals that we are not wrestling against flesh and blood, but demonic powers. Our fight isn’t against people, but the spiritual forces influencing them. However, most of us simply don’t recognize the role that the spirit realm plays in what occurs in our daily life. We think it’s just human—natural —but the devil is busy influencing people every day.

It’s useless to debate whether or not an individual is possessed, oppressed, or just depressed. When the New Testament calls someone demon-possessed, the Greek word there literally means “demonized.”  They are under the influence—and therefore, control—of the devil. This issue people make about whether someone is possessed, oppressed, or just depressed isn’t in the Scriptures. The truth is that people all around the world today are being influenced, controlled, and used—to whatever degree—by the devil.


There is an abundance of demonic activity anywhere you go in the world, including the West. We just tend to look at things as being normal and natural for this day and age. We miss the fact that the origin of many things that happen in our day—things that tick us off and come against us—is spiritual. We fail to recognize the spiritual influence behind it.

If you were to adopt the biblical mindset, it would make a huge difference in the way you respond. You’d recognize that it’s not that person who sits next to you at work, it’s not your neighbor, your spouse, or your circumstances that are really what’s coming against you. They can be influenced, inspired, and used of Satan, but they themselves aren’t really the source.  When you genuinely understand that this isn’t a physical battle, it changes the way you respond.

I’ve come to recognize that Satan is the one who’s trying to get my attention off of what God has told me to do. I recognize that the enemy is using some person to come against me. He’s trying to gain an inroad into my life so he can steal God’s Word from me. (Mark 4:16-17.) But because I look beyond the individual and don’t take their comments personally, I’m able to put things into proper perspective and deal with it differently.

There are times when the devil speaks to you through people.  He’ll use people to get at you. Of course, they may be unaware of the fact that they’re being used of Satan.


You need to recognize that Satan—as well as God—can speak through and use the people in your life. Like Jesus, you need to discern whose voice is coming through.


We are in a spiritual battle! Unfortunately, most of the time people don’t recognize it. They’re just looking at things from a natural, human perspective. They factor God, the devil, and the whole supernatural realm right out of the equation. The average person doesn’t realize the spiritual dynamics taking place. God doesn’t send bad things our way. It’s not just happenstance or fate. There’s a real enemy out there that we must learn to deal with.

I’m not fighting flesh and blood. I’m fighting a spiritual battle, with spiritual weapons, against spiritual enemies.

I realized that Satan was trying to come against me, and then acted on the Word.  I recognize that there is a spiritual battle raging—and nobody is going to rent space in my mind! Nobody is going to occupy my heart except God. I refuse to harbor unforgiveness toward anyone. I will not allow bitterness even a toehold in my life. I’m aware that Satan uses such things as an inroad against me.

Like it or not, there’s a spiritual battle raging right now for your heart and mind. As you think in your heart is the way that you’ll be. (Prov. 23:7.) Your thoughts become what you say and do, with your actions being the greatest expression of your authority. Therefore, you’ll be influenced, dominated, and ruled by whomever you yield yourself to—God or Satan.

Chapter 2 – Whom He May Devour

When you yield yourself to sin, you’re serving Satan, who is the author of that sin. But when you yield yourself to obedience, you serve God, who is the author of that righteousness. 

Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?  Romans 6:16

In this spiritual battle, your actions are very important.

Most people recognize that actions are important in the physical realm. You know that there are consequences for what you do. When we talk negatively about someone, we can hurt their feelings or even loose demonic powers against them.

There’s much more to life than just this physical, natural, surface level. Spiritual dynamics are constantly taking place. Whether or not the person you’re speaking evil about ever knows it, you’ll be affected. Venting anger, frustration, resentment, or unforgiveness affects you whether it affects anyone else or not.

If you get angry and bitter, you’ve just yielded yourself to Satan.  Whether you recognize it or not, the devil is the one who influences us to respond in the wrong way.


James 1:20 says, “The wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.”  In other words, giving place to anger and bitterness doesn’t accomplish the righteousness of God.  You aren’t going to accomplish God’s purposes by getting in the flesh, giving in to anger, and losing your temper. That’s not the way God’s kingdom works. So whether anyone else ever hears you or not—what you say is having an effect on you.

When you give place to anger and vent like that, Satan jumps on it like a chicken on a June bug. The enemy will take full advantage of an open door like that to come and steal, kill, and destroy. (John 10:10.)

Where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work. James 3:16

When you get into envy and strife, you’re flinging the door wide open and saying, “Come on in Satan and do your worst in my life.” You’re drawing a great big target on your back and saying, “Shoot your best shot!” When you give in to envy and strife, you make yourself a target for the devil.


We are unto God a sweet savor [smell] of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish.  2 Corinthians 2:15

What is your spiritual scent? Are you giving off the sweet aroma of Christ, or are you spiritually stinky? Just like flies and rats, demons are attracted to open wounds and garbage in your life. Your rotten attitude—getting mad in traffic, being bitter over whatever, and criticizing everything and everyone—is putting out an aroma that’s drawing every demon in the county to your house. And you wonder, Why am I having these problems? Why does nothing go right for me? That’s just ignorance gone to seed. You need to recognize that we’re in a spiritual battle. Your thoughts, attitudes, words, and actions are either releasing the power of God in your life, or they’re releasing the power of the devil.

God is good and He’s doing everything He can to save, bless, heal, and prosper you. However, we do have an enemy who is going around looking for anyone he may destroy.

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.  1 Peter 5:8

Notice that it’s “whom he may devour.” Satan cannot devour (or destroy) you without your cooperation. One way he gains that cooperation is through ignorance. You may think that it doesn’t matter if you get mad at the car you’re working on, or the driver who just cut you off in traffic. You might think that nobody’s harmed when you gossip about someone who isn’t there, saying, “They won’t hear this.” But the truth is, once you start venting these things, Satan takes advantage of it.

I’ve heard Christians rail on a presidential candidate or some other public officer in ways that aren’t healthy. You can disagree without putting a person to shame with the words you say. It doesn’t matter whether they ever hear you or not. You could be opening up a door to the devil through your words. (Rom. 6:16.)


You need to set a watch before your mouth (Ps. 141:3) and take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. (2 Cor. 10:5.) You need to control your actions (Gal. 5:22-24) and recognize that the demonic realm is trying to take a shot at you every day of your life. If you allow a door to be opened to them, they’ll come in for no other purpose than to steal, kill, and destroy. (John 10:10.) Remember, Satan is looking for whom he may devour.

You need to learn to recognize the spiritual dynamics happening in your life. God wants you to yield to Him so that His power and blessings can be released in you. Satan wants you to yield to him so that destruction and death can be released in you.

In order to gain an inroad, the enemy is constantly trying to snare you with bitterness, unforgiveness, and ungodliness of all kinds. Therefore, no matter what you do, you’re either obeying God or obeying Satan. You’re either submitting to God and His influence or to Satan and his influence. Every time you act, you are releasing spiritual power — either God’s or the devil’s—into your life. Since most people are ignorant of this truth, they allow all kinds of things in their life. Yet, if they were to recognize the results they’re going to reap, they would never allow these things. Every time we submit to doing things Satan’s way, we are having spiritual relations with him, which conceives evil. It isn’t just benign.


Every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. James 1:14,15

Sin is conceived in your emotions. Every time you have a negative emotion—whether it be sadness, anger, fear, strife, or one of many others—you conceive something. Many people are conceiving things that they don’t want to birth. They don’t want depression, strife, suicide, or their marriage to fall apart.  Yet they allow these negative emotions to flow through them without recognizing that we’re in a spiritual battle. When you give in to your flesh and start saying and doing these things, you are releasing spiritual forces. There is a battle raging and the enemy is looking for an opportunity to come against you.

The devil’s will is to devour everyone he can. (1 Pet. 5:8.) He desires to steal, kill, and destroy every person everywhere. (John 10:10.) If Satan got what he wanted, then the whole earth would be devastated, and there would be no good anywhere.  However, God has a will too. Jesus said: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. (John 10:10)

Jesus is trying to release life into you. Satan is trying to steal, kill, and destroy anything good that you have. Both are willing and able to move and manifest those things in your life, but the determining factor is you. You need to recognize this battle that’s raging and the fact that everything you say and do is either empowering God or the devil. The Lord wants to release His life into you. Satan wants to steal that life and kill and destroy you. It’s not fate or luck. Your thoughts, choices, and actions make a huge difference in your life.

The devil is the one who—wherever envying and strife are— brings confusion and every evil work. “God is not the author of confusion, but of peace.” 1 Corinthians 14:33

When you fling a door open like that to the devil, don’t be surprised if you see different forms of sickness, tragedy, poverty, and death manifest. Satan jumps on opportunities like that and uses them as inroads into your life. As a roaring lion, he’s constantly seeking whom he may devour.

Chapter 3 – Satan’s Inroads

Since we’re in a spiritual battle, you can’t afford to indulge the “luxury” of strife. If you think that a certain amount of strife is just normal—the way we’re supposed to live—you’re wrong. God is a God of peace (Rom. 15:33; 16:20), and we were created in His image. (Gen. 1:27.) The fruit of His Spirit working in our life is peace. (Gal. 5:22.)

Therefore, our life should be full of peace, not strife. I’m not saying that we will ever live totally free from all strife from every source, but you should never just accept it, indulge it, or promote it. You ought to actively stand against and fight it, recognizing that every time you get into strife a door is opened for anything the enemy wants to do in your life. Satan has access to you when you’re in strife.


Whether you realize it or not, you are now in a battle. Remember, Satan is walking about as a roaring lion, “seeking whom he may devour.” The devil is trying to destroy your life today. You could become overwhelmed with that and fearful, but God is also going about seeking who will respond to Him.  He’s trying to get His anointing, power, and blessings into your life. There’s no reason to panic and freeze up in fear, because the Lord is infinitely greater than the devil. However, you do need to sober up and realize that we’re in a battle. You can’t afford the luxury of indulging your negative emotions and getting into the flesh.

I minister to people all the time who desire the results they see in my life but aren’t willing to do what I do. They want to sit and watch “As the Stomach Turns” on television. They watch R- and X-rated movies, indulging negative emotions that I would never indulge. I recognize that there is a spiritual battle going on, and if I ever began to open up and allow such things into my heart and mind, Satan would take advantage of it. So I live a very restricted life, refraining from many things that other people do. (Ps. 101:3.)

Although many people would like to see blind eyes and deaf ears opened, terminal diseases healed, the dead raised, and financial blessings manifest the way I have (by God’s grace), they’re not willing to spend the time yielding to and fellowshipping with the Lord in His Word, prayer, and obedience. They’d rather be out in the world, indulging their flesh and thinking, It’s not hurting me to do all of this stuff.

It may not hurt them at that moment, but seeds are being planted.

You can’t be tempted with something you don’t think. (Heb. 11:15.) If you would quit opening yourself up to envy, strife, division, and all the other negative things our society uses for “entertainment,” Satan wouldn’t have these inroads into your life.

Strife is much more deadly than a poisonous snake! Along with envy, strife opens up an inroad for every evil work in your life. It’s time you snap out of complacency and recognize that you’re in a spiritual battle. You can’t tolerate envy, strife, unforgiveness or any other negative emotion.

Every one of us is exposed to the forces of the kingdom of darkness each and every day. We aren’t on R&R (rest and relaxation). We aren’t in a secured area where our actions don’t really count. We’re in a spiritual battle, with a real enemy who wants to take advantage of us any way he can.


God’s Word says, “Neither give place to the devil,” (Eph. 4:27). You are the one who gives Satan inroads into your life. He takes whatever “place” you give him through your thoughts, words, emotions, and actions. Your emotions can give Satan a place. Satan will take advantage of whatever we give him. We are often hung by our own tongue.

Chapter 4 – No Wicked Thing

There are times in life when we just feel like speaking forth our negative thoughts and emotions. In light of the spiritual battle, however, these are times we must exercise our faith and self-control.  In Matthew 6:31, the Lord reveals to us at what point we take a thought for our own: Take no thought, saying… A thought becomes your own when you begin speaking it out of your mouth.

You can’t keep all kinds of thoughts from coming across your mind… can keep from taking those thoughts as your own.  Negative thoughts will come at times, but you don’t have to receive them. They don’t have to become a part of you. If you don’t say it, it won’t be yours.


Satan passes thoughts, feelings, and attitudes across our hearts and minds. So how do we prevent these seeds from taking root, beginning to grow, and then producing the negative crop he desires? We just saw how—we “take no thought, saying.”

If you don’t say it, then it’s not yours. However, the moment you start verbalizing and speaking forth these negative things, they become yours and begin releasing this negative power in your life. You need to take on this attitude: “I refuse to speak forth anything contrary to what I’m believing for.”

Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Proverbs 18:21

You can’t only just speak life with your tongue. You can also speak death. Sadly, the truth is that most of us release much more death than life. We counter ourselves with our own words. We’re hung by the tongue!


You may be praying for one thing and then speaking against it.  You may be praying for restoration in your marriage, yet you constantly criticize, beat down, and speak negatively about your marriage on the other hand. You are releasing a negative spiritual force—death—that will counter what you’re praying for. Even though God wants to move on your behalf and restore, you’re releasing a contrary spiritual force with those negative words.

You need to be constantly aware of the truth that your words are either releasing life or releasing death. Don’t just allow anything to come out of your mouth. Set a watch over your mouth and speak life (Ps. 141:3), because you will eat the fruit of it.  “A man’s belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth; and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled.”  Proverbs 18:20

Every word you say out of your mouth is a seed that produces after its kind. If you are griping, complaining, and speaking forth all this negativity, then that’s the kind of fruit you’ll wind up eating from those words.


In this spiritual battle, Satan takes advantage of the words we say. “For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.” Matthew 12:37

When we don’t realize just how important our words are, we speak forth foolishness, doubt, unbelief, and other things that allow Satan to devour us because we let down our guard.

Many people don’t really recognize that Satan is dominating—exerting power in—their lives. They just think it is circumstances, fate, or luck. This scripture makes it very clear that they have been under the influence of the devil.

And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience, among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others.  Ephesians 2:1-3 NKJV

Before we converted to Christ, we were by nature children of Satan. We lived our lives under his influence and dominion, blinded to the truth.

In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. 2 Corinthians 4:4

The devil is actively at work today hardening people and blinding them from the truths of the Gospel. This is not a passive battle. He’s aggressively pursuing and trying to destroy people. One of the reasons why the enemy has such a stronghold on so many people is that the church hasn’t really recognized the spiritual battle we’re in.

Some folks think, Oh, I can watch this stuff and it doesn’t affect me. God’s Word says they’re deceived.  “Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.” 1 Corinthians 15:33

You simply cannot maintain your spiritual equilibrium while indulging your eyes on ungodliness. David—the man after God’s own heart—understood this.  He said: I will set no wicked thing before my eyes. Psalm 101:3

As a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, you need to make the same commitment, saying, “I will not watch anything wicked. I refuse to paint a picture on the inside of me of lust, anger, immorality, hatred, strife, or murder. I recognize that every time I open myself up to such things, there is a negative spiritual power there waiting to gain an inroad into my life. By God’s grace, I will not give the devil any access into my life!”

We can’t be tempted by what we don’t think (Heb. 11:15), but what we think about constantly will become what we talk about and doEverything you say and/or do is releasing either God’s or Satan’s power in your life. Your enemy is an active force at work in the world seeking whom he may devour. (1 Peter 5:8.) He blinds the minds of those who don’t believe in order to steal, kill, and destroy them. (2 Cor. 4:4; John 10:10.)

We are responsible to submit to God and resist the devil. (James 4:7.) Our thoughts, emotions, words, and actions are either giving place to God or giving place to the devil. (Eph. 4:27.) We need to recognize the spiritual dynamics happening all around us.

I’m amazed how many people don’t associate their actions with the results they’re experiencing. They totally miss the correlation and don’t have a clue how Satan is destroying them.

Right now you are living in a way that exempts you from God’s power. You have yielded yourself to Satan and have violated God’s Word. By doing so, you have released demonic power in your life. The devil is just having a heyday with you!”


When you disobey God, you open up a door to the devil. Now, contrary to what religion says, God still loves you. He’s not mad at you, but He wants better for you. By violating God’s instructions in His Word and obeying the lust of your flesh, you’ve thrown open a door to the devil. Satan will come in, eat your lunch, and pop the bag!

If you don’t want that, you may need to change your mind and adjust your actions. We’re in a spiritual battle, and you can’t afford the luxury of just ignoring the instructions God has given you.

Chapter 5 – Unconditional Authority (The Origin of Satan)

We are facing a spiritual battle right now, every day. So, we need to define who our enemy is and reveal what power he has.

Most people don’t really give serious thought to why things are the way they are. Like life, they just deal with the Bible on a surface level.

Chapter 6 – God Of This World

Lucifer envied God. He wasn’t content with being the top angel. He was jealous and wanted God’s position, but he couldn’t just take that place with the delegated power he had been given. If he would have rebelled, that power would have instantly been taken away and he would have been destroyed. However, he saw an opportunity with man because God had given Adam and Eve something that He’d never given to the angels—an unconditional, no reservations or qualifications, no strings attached authority over the earth. Lucifer saw that if he could get Adam and Eve to yield to him and rebel against God, then he could become the new “god” of this world. (2 Cor. 4:4.)

We are the ones who enabled Lucifer to leave his position in heaven, come into a fallen state, and rule the earth as Satan—the god of this world. We were originally intended to be gods—absolute rulers—over this world. But mankind gave their dominion—authority and power—to Lucifer. God created Lucifer, but Adam and Eve made Satan. They didn’t create Satan in the sense that God had already created Lucifer as an angelic being. Adam and Eve made Satan who he was by giving him their power and authority.

On his own, Satan is powerless. He depends completely on physical human beings yielding to and empowering him. Even under the Old Covenant, Satan didn’t have the power to control and dominate people. He has to use our own power and authority against us. It’s only as we submit to him that Satan is able to do anything.


The devil and his demons—as spirit beings—have no power or authority on this earth apart from physical human beings yielding it to them.

Demons are looking for a physical body, a willing vessel. They need somebody who will submit to them. The power that the devil or any other demon uses against us is our own. Satan has zero angelic, spiritual power. All his authority comes from man. The only reason Satan exists and functions is because people cooperate with and empower him. That’s why he always seeks to inhabit a body.

Even a pig has more authority on earth than a demon. An ant, a fly, or a snail has more power on this earth than Satan because they have physical bodies. He is absolutely powerless to do anything unless he can get a physical body to cooperate with him.


God is the author of all power and authority. When He created mankind, He gave Adam and Eve dominion over the earth. (Gen. 1:26-28.) God gave us—physical human beings—power and authority to rule this world. Authority is simply the right to use power.

God is a Spirit. (John 4:24.) Satan is a spirit too. (Eph. 2:2.) He doesn’t have a physical body, which means that he can’t come and make anyone do anything. First, he must gain their cooperation.

Many Christians see Satan as an angelic being with godlike supernatural power and authority over man. They see him coming and overpowering them, when the truth is that the devil can’t force them to do anything. He lost his power when he rebelled at God. The only power and authority Satan is functioning under now is human power and authority.

Satan can only function as he keeps people submitted to himself through lies and deception.

It takes your cooperation for the devil to do anything in your life. That’s why he seeks whom he may devour. Satan

doesn’t have the authority and power to devour you unless you quit obeying God and yield yourself to sin. Romans 6:16 says that when you yield yourself to sin, you’re actually yielding yourself to the author of that sin, which is Satan. Satan can’t just come in and destroy you without your cooperation. But when you sin, you are empowering the devil.


Most people don’t see it this way. They understand that, according to Scripture, Satan was originally created as an angel. Angels have a higher power than what we do, but they don’t have the authority— the right—to exercise that power in the earth. Yet, most people assume that Satan has a higher power and authority than us, and they are intimidated by that perceived authority. They don’t realize that he lost all of his angelic power when he rebelled, and now his authority is totally tied to us. Since God gave the authority over this earth and everything going on in it, to physical human beings, Satan —who is without a physical body—is absolutely powerless unless we empower him by yielding to and indulging his lust, lies, anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, or some other sin.  

 Satan can’t do anything without somebody in an earthsuit yielding to him. This is why he’s constantly vying for your heart, trying to get you to yield to him through anger, fear, hurt, pain, and depression. Every time you move away from what God’s Word says and act in union with what the devil is trying to do, you yield authority to him. Every time you quit believing and receiving God’s supernatural power and ability and sin instead, you empower the enemy.

It’s sad to say, but one of his greatest weapons of deception has been the church. The church has taught that Satan is a superior power. He isn’t. He’s actually using nothing but human power and human authority acquired through our cooperation.


Does that mean Satan isn’t a factor? No, he is a factor. There are millions of people on the face of the earth who are yielded to the devil today. They are operating in sexual immorality, lies, deception, hurt, fear, hatred, idolatry, and more. Every time we yield to something negative, we empower the devil. So, yes, Satan is a factor and he has to be dealt with. But as far as my individual life goes, Satan can’t do anything without my consent and cooperation. Understanding that the power and authority Satan uses is human power—the power God has given to me, a physical human being, to rule and reign over this earth—has put everything in a brand-new light.

Now, instead of being intimidated by the enemy, I have boldness toward the devil. I understand that if I were to start doing the wrong things in my actions, saying the wrong things with my words, and indulging negative emotions, Satan would take advantage of it. He’d come in, eat my lunch, and pop the bag. I’m not ignorant of his devices, but I’m also not afraid of him. I’m not being passive toward him, but I’m actively and intentionally resisting him. I realize that all he’s doing is coming against me with my own human authority and power.

Chapter 7 – Under The Umbrella

In light of what we’ve seen thus far, Ephesians 6:10-11 ought to make a lot more sense. “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” Wiles literally means “cunningness, craftiness, and deception.”

Satan’s only power is deception. He can’t force you to do anything. He can’t make you sin.

“Satan is stronger than I am.” Not true. Satan doesn’t have the power or the authority to force you to do anything. The problem is that he’s a master liar, intimidator, and deceiver. It’s all deception. When we don’t know the truth about who we are in Christ and the power we’ve been given, then—in a very real sense—we are the ones who are giving Satan the power and authority to rule and dominate us. You can break that.

Satan is out to deceive you and he’s coming at you every which way through all of the help and support he gets from people. Our airwaves are full of lust and lies. Every time you yield to the lies, you are the one who empowers the devil to come in and destroy your life.

God created man by speaking words. Subsequently, He spoke words giving man dominion—authority and power—over the earth. In doing so, He limited His own authority. Man corrupted themselves by selling out to the devil and making him the god of this world. God wasn’t in control. He didn’t have dominion over the earth because He had given it to man.


Both of the terms “Son of God” and “Son of Man” refer to Jesus. Son of Man emphasizes His humanity and physical side. Son of God emphasizes His divinity and the presence of Almighty God that indwelt Christ’s body.

Jesus entered into the devil’s kingdom and destroyed it. He took away all authority and power from Satan and reduced him to a zero with the rim knocked off. The enemy has zip, zilch, nada power and authority against us. All Satan can do is deceive and tempt us. If we yield to him, we’re doing the same thing Adam and Eve did—we are yielding our human power and authority.

This is completely opposite of so much of what the church has taught. Most people think that Satan is a major force to be reckoned with. He does exist, and you can’t just be ignorant of his devices. (2 Cor. 2:11.) You need to know what’s going on, but the devil is not someone to be feared. He’s someone you need to recognize and resist, but Satan can’t do anything to you without your consent and cooperation.

Understanding this truth has transformed my life and given me a tremendous advantage over the devil. Now I recognize that if I’m having a feeling, a desire, a drawing, or a lust in some direction, all I have to do is quit yielding to those things that are allowing Satan to draw me in that way. I just use my physical body to go in exactly the opposite direction. What I do with (my mind and) my physical body releases either the power of God or the power of the devil.

Satan can’t do anything to you without your consent and cooperation.

Chapter 8 – Is This the One?


We’ve seen that God is a Spirit and that He gave dominion over this earth to physical human beings. (Gen. 1:26-28.) In doing so, He limited His own dominion and authority. If we don’t cooperate with God, we can limit Him. “Yea, they turned back and tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel.”  Psalm 78:41

Yes, we can limit God. Jesus dealt with this in His own hometown. “He could there do no mighty work…because of their unbelief.” (Mark 6:5,6)  It’s not that Jesus didn’t want to; He couldn’t do any mighty work because of their unbelief. Even the Lord Jesus Christ had to have cooperation from people to release His power into their lives.

Religion says, “God is sovereign. He controls everything.” No, He doesn’t. God is sovereign, in the sense that He’s King of kings, but He doesn’t control everything that happens on the earth. God isn’t limited in the sense that He doesn’t have the power. He has the power, but He gave dominion over this earth to physical human beings. Because of His own integrity, He will not overstep that authority and violate His own Word. Therefore, God has limited His own sovereignty, His own ability to intervene in the affairs of man here on earth. Until He became a physical being Himself, He didn’t have the authority to come down to this earth and straighten out the mess man had created.


Satan didn’t get his authority directly from God. He doesn’t have a superior angelic power that he uses over the human race. The devil was stripped of all his angelic power and authority. The power and authority that Satan has used to rule this earth has been mankind’s authority that God gave them and they then turned over to Satan.

Understanding that Satan can do nothing in your life without your consent and cooperation puts him down on a plane to where he isn’t a superior foe. As a master deceiver, he’s still a threat because he can lie to you. You must know the truth and be on guard, but you can resist him.

I know I can win this battle. I can take the power and authority that God has given me and confront the devil. I’m not ignorant of him, but I’m no longer afraid of him either. I recognize that Satan is defeated foe.


I began to look more closely at the Bible. I recognized that the spirit realm is as real today as it was two thousand years ago. I realized that many different things were demonic, including sicknesses. My friends and I began casting demons out of people and seeing miraculous things happen.

The Lord spoke to my heart, saying, “Andrew, if I were to show you the spirit realm, instead of seeing these huge powerful demons with fangs and claws, you’d see tiny little imps. You’d be amazed. They’re nothing. They just have big mouths. They know how to scream loud and intimidate. They boast of great things, but they can’t deliver.” As soon as the Lord changed that image from towering demons to tiny little imps who had no power or authority, faith rose up in my heart. Instead of fear, I felt like the Incredible Hulk. A spirit of might and boldness came over me, and I got rid of those demons in no time flat.


After the devil made all his prideful boasts in Isaiah 14:12—14 saying, “I will do this and I will do that,” this passage of scripture goes on to say: Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, to the lowest depths of the Pit. “Those who see you will gaze at you, and consider you, saying: ‘Is this the man who made the earth tremble, who shook kingdoms, who made the world as a wilderness and destroyed its cities, who did not open the house of his prisoners?’ Isaiah 14:15-17 NKJV

This passage prophesied how people would eventually respond to Satan. Of course, all this has come to pass now that Jesus has literally destroyed the devil through His death, burial, and resurrection.

When we see Satan as he really is, we’ll say, “Is this the one who intimidated me? Is this the one I allowed to ruin my life? Is this the one I let keep me in bondage—this nothing, this zero?”

That’s how Satan is. He doesn’t have all this power the church has attributed to him. The only power Satan has came from man. Mankind made Satan. We are the ones who empowered him. God created Lucifer—a ministering spirit, an angelic being. Mankind yielded our God-given dominion, and it’s this human authority and power Satan uses. That’s why he has to have a body to possess. That’s why a pig has more power and authority on this earth than a disembodied demon. Satan is a factor, but only because people yield to him. If you know the truth, the truth will make you free. (John 8:32.)

Chapter 9 – Such As I Have

The authority God has given us is huge. As born-again believers, Jesus has given us more authority than even Adam and Eve had. They had authority over this earth. However, after Christ rose from the dead, He had authority in heaven, authority on earth, and authority under the earth—meaning the demonic realm and hell. (Phil. 2:10.) After Jesus resurrected, but before He ascended, He turned to His disciples and said: All power [authority, power of rule] is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Mathew 28:18-20

Since therefore refers to “in light of what I’ve just said,” Jesus was basically telling His followers, “The authority and power I have, I now give to you. Go, and continue doing My work, the work that I have begun.”  The authority we have as believers in Christ today is superior to the authority Adam had. We have everything back that he lost, and much more. We now have authority over the demonic realm.

And when He had called His twelve disciples to Him, He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease. And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give. Matthew 10:1,7-8 NKJV


Compared to the Old Testament, there is a huge difference in the way the New Testament talks about Satan. Although the Old Testament hardly mentions him, the New Testament reveals that Satan is the one who caused different kinds of sicknesses, seizures, convulsions, and blindness. The New Testament reveals many things as being demonic in origin.

Why did God give us this knowledge in the New Testament, but not in the Old? Simply put, even if the Old Testament saints would have known these things, they couldn’t have done anything with this knowledge. It wouldn’t have done them any good to know that Satan was behind this or that because they didn’t have authority to rebuke the devil or bind him.

Basically, the Old Testament people were told, “Just submit to these laws. With your actions, do these things and don’t do these others.” By yielding their actions to God in this manner, He was empowered to move in their lives. It also limited what Satan could do. Basically, this was the approach in the Old Testament.

In the New Testament, we now have an authority that has been given to us that enables us to go beyond the surface level. Since we’ve been given authority over demons, we can go behind the scenes and deal with the demonic powers that are causing sicknesses and diseases and inspiring people to act a certain way. We can see results that Old Testament people could never have seen. However, along with this superior authority we’ve been given comes responsibility. This means that since the Lord gave us such power and authority, if we don’t use it, then we stop Him from intervening. God flows through us.


Jesus gave us power [ability & might] and authority over the devil. Then he [Jesus] called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases. Luke 9:1

Power here means that we have the ability and the might. We also have the authority to use that ability and might. But with that authority comes responsibility.

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7

That means if we don’t resist the devil, he won’t flee from us. Although this is very simple, few believers understand it. Many Christians aren’t using the authority that’s been given to them. When Satan bothers them—maybe it’s through some sickness, disease, poverty, tragedy, or other demonic attack—they approach God as if they don’t have any power or authority. They beg God, saying, “Oh Lord, please change this situation. Please get the devil off my back.” They don’t realize that this isn’t within God’s authority—He’s given that to us.

This is exactly what the Scripture says. We have been given power and authority over all devils.” (Luke 9:1.) God gave us authority over the devil. If you’re fighting a demonic force, you have the authority to do something about it. Now, you do have to be spiritual enough to discern its origin. Is it truly spiritual, or just something completely natural? If it’s truly a demonic attack, then you are responsible to get rid of that demon. You do so using God’s power, but that power has been placed under your authority. If you don’t use it, it won’t be used.


Many Christians who come to me for counsel and prayer are just powerless. They don’t understand that they have any authority. They’re begging God to, “Please remove this sickness and prosper me financially. Please save this person.” They are begging God to do things that He told them they have the authority to do. When God said, “You resist the devil, and he will flee from you,” that means that if you don’t resist the devil, he won’t flee.

God isn’t going to take care of the devil for you. He’s already defeated Satan and stripped him of his power. God gave you authority, and if you don’t exercise it, He’s not going to come and rebuke the devil for you. The battle isn’t between God and the devil directly; it’s between the devil and us. God has equipped us with authority and power, and we have to use it.

You may wonder, Well, if it’s God’s will for us to be healed, then why did this person die? God gave us the power to heal.  It’s not our power. It’s His power, but it’s under our authority. Jesus never told us to pray and ask God to heal people. He told us to go and “heal the sick” (Matt. 10:8).

In the Gospels, Jesus never commanded His disciples to pray for the sick, but He did command us to heal the sick. (Luke 9:2; 10:9.) The way it’s being done in the church today, we basically pray, “Oh Father, we know that You can heal this person. If it’s Your will, please—pretty please—do it.”

 We come as beggars, asking. And if we don’t see something manifest, if we don’t see an instant result, then we wonder, why didn’t God heal them? No, God has already released all the healing power it takes for every person on this planet to be healed of every sickness and disease. Jesus took the stripes on His back for our healing, and now He’s given us the power to heal the sick. He gave us power and authority over ALL demons to cast them out and cure diseases. Jesus gave that power to us, and it’s up to us to use it.


Consider Peter and John at the temple gate. Now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer, being the ninth hour. And a certain man lame from his mother’s womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms of them that entered into the temple; who seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple asked an alms. And Peter, fastening his eyes upon him with John, said, Look on us. And he gave heed unto them, expecting to receive something of them. Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk. And he took him by the right hand, and lifted him up: and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength. And he leaping up stood, and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God. Acts 3:1-8

Notice in verse 6 that Peter said, “Such as I have, give I unto you” (author paraphrase). Peter and John would be kicked out of most churches around the world today for saying, “I have the power to heal you.” It’s become fashionable for us to say, “Oh, it’s not me. I couldn’t heal a gnat.” Well, the truth is none of us can heal a gnat in our own human power. But we aren’t only human, we’re born again! God gave us power and authority—the right and ability to use that power. So Peter was absolutely correct when he said, “Such as I have, give I unto you.”

Notice in this instance that Peter never even prayed a prayer. Most people would think that was terrible. How dare him heal someone without praying and asking God! I don’t know about you, but I’m after results—and Peter got the right results. His approach to this situation is the proper approach. Peter said, “Such as I have, give I unto you.” Peter knew he had power. He knew he had the authority to use that power. So he took responsibility and used that power. Because of it, that man was healed.

This is the very reason many people aren’t seeing healing today. They’re coming to God and begging Him. They don’t understand that the power doesn’t reside in heaven. God has placed the power to heal on the inside of every born-again believer. He’s also given us the authority to use it, which makes us responsible. If someone isn’t healed, it’s not God who didn’t heal them—it’s us not using our authority and power.


Of course, there may be some other dynamics involved. It’s not always the individual’s fault receiving the prayer. It could be the fault of the other people around them. Jesus operated in absolute faith, but He had to put out scoffers and unbelievers. Christ operated in faith perfectly, yet…

He could there [in His hometown] do no mighty work…because of their unbelief. Mark 6:5,6

The limit wasn’t in Him, but in the people around Him. The limit isn’t always in the person receiving the healing. There could be other factors round about. However, it always comes back to some person or group of people who are limiting God because they aren’t taking the authority God has given and exercising it. We are shirking our responsibility, and we’re trying to put all the responsibility off on God, saying it’s His fault whether or not this person gets saved, healed, or prospered. That’s absolutely wrong.

We need to understand and recognize that it’s not God’s turn to heal. It’s our turn to believe that He’s already healed. We must accept that power, take that authority, and use it. We need to speak to our problems and command things to change.

If we could get this truth down, it would make a huge difference in the way things happen today. The vast majority of the body of Christ believes that God can do whatever He wants, but they don’t believe that He’s already done it. They don’t believe that He’s given us power. So, they don’t feel any responsibility to take and use their authority. This is where the system is breaking down. God has already done His part. He’s placed the power and authority on the inside of us, which makes us responsible.


Through the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, God has already done His part. Now it is up to you to respond in faith and receive His provision. It’s totally your responsibility to get healed, prospered, and delivered. It’s God’s power, but He’s placed it under your authority.

Although I’m strongly emphasizing our responsibility, there’s no need to come under any condemnation. (Rom. 8:1.) The Lord loves you and wants you to understand these truths so you can enjoy the abundant life He’s provided. That’s why it’s so important to understand our responsibility.

You may be asking, “So do I have to make all this happen?” Not out of your self—your human ability. The born-again part of you— your spirit—has God’s power within.

 All things are possible to those who believe. (Mark 9:23.) If you would understand and believe that God has already done His part, and then exercise your authority, you could make things happen.

I’ve come to realize that it’s not me petitioning and asking the Lord to heal people, but rather that God has already healed us of all sickness and disease. The Word says that by His stripes we were—past tense—healed. (1 Pet. 2:24.) Now I understand that God has put His power in me, and it’s up to me to release it. God has done His part, now I must take my authority, speak to the mountain, and command people to be healed. Of course, the individual I’m ministering to must believe and cooperate too, but I’ve seen hundreds of times more people healed than I used to.


….this kind of boldness just startles people today. They think, how could you do that? You don’t have any control over this. You don’t have that kind of authority. You don’t have any responsibility.

Just go out and ask God to heal them. He might, He might not. Whatever will be, will be. It’s all up to God, you see. Not true!

John G. Lake and his practitioners knew that God had already done His part to provide healing and that it’s our turn now to take our authority and use it. Sometimes they would literally move in with the people and teach them the Word. They’d build them up in faith, minister to them, and see them healed because God has already done His part.

There’s a huge difference between us healing the sick and praying for the sick. As a whole, the church has believed God can heal, but not that He has already done it. They don’t believe that He has already committed the power and authority for healing to us. So when they have a need, they approach God like a beggar. They ask Him to heal so-and-so when the truth is that He’s already done His part to produce that healing.

God has placed supernatural raising-from-the-dead power on the inside of every born-again believer (Eph. 1:19-20), and it’s up to us to command those healings to come to pass. Instead of passively pleading with the Lord and asking God to do it, we need to become a commander—someone who stands up in faith, takes our authority in Christ, and commands the power of God.

Chapter 10 – Command Ye Me

To heal the lame man, Peter stood in faith, took his authority in Christ, and commanded the power of God. (Acts 3:6-8.) A lot of people say, “Well, I’d never do that,” which is why they aren’t getting the results that Peter and John did. This is one of the major reasons we aren’t seeing the power of God manifest more today.

Many Christians are in need of a miracle. It’s critical. Maybe you need healing in your body, a financial provision, or restoration in your marriage. Whatever it is, you are praying and asking God but you aren’t taking any authority over the enemy, you aren’t speaking against the problem, and you aren’t commanding the infirmity to leave. You’re acting like a beggar instead of the commander Christ has authorized and empowered you to be.


Religion says, “You can’t do anything. You’re a worm. You are nothing.” That’s true if you’re talking about my carnal, natural, fleshly self. Jesus said: Without me ye can do nothing. John 15:5

That is absolutely true. Apart from Christ, we are and can do nothing. However, I am not without Jesus. I’m born again. The Spirit of the Living God dwells on the inside of me. I’m not only human. Jesus Himself lives in and through me. (Gal. 2:20.) Christians who don’t recognize that, in Christ, they’ve become a brand-new creation aren’t taking their God-given authority.

They don’t understand the authority of the believer. They come to God as beggars, saying, “I’m an old sinner saved by grace.” I’m not an old sinner saved by grace. I was an old sinner, but then I was saved by grace. Now I’ve become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. (2 Cor. 5:21.) It’s true that without God I’m nothing, but I’m not without God. He lives on the inside of me. Now I have the authority and power to command the power of God.


Keep in mind that this authority that Jesus has given us only enforces spiritual law. If God hasn’t provided something, then we can’t just command it. Taking and using the authority Jesus has given isn’t us “making” God do things. “Thus saith the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker, Ask me of things to come concerning my sons, and concerning the work of my hands command ye me.” Isaiah 45:11

The last part of this verse is a strong statement that many people choke on. They can’t receive it because they think to do so would be to take authority over God and tell Him, “Lord, You obey me. I command You to do this.” Certainly, that’s ridiculous.

I am not God. I’m not superior to Him. It’s not me that is the power source. God isn’t waiting on my every whim, and obeying what I tell Him to do. That’s not what Isaiah 45:11 is talking about. The Lord said, concerning the work of My hands, you command Me. This means that God has told me to command the work of His hands—which is everything He’s already provided in Christ—into manifestation.


It’s like electricity. The power company is the source—they generate the power. You aren’t the power source. You could stick a light bulb in your mouth, but it’ll never come on. The power company generates the power and delivers it to your home. You’ve signed a contract, and that power is under your command.

If you want the power to come on, you don’t call the power company and ask them to come out and turn it on. No. They’ve already generated that power and delivered it to you. Now it’s up to you to command that power. When you go over and flip that switch, you are commanding that power. You aren’t the source, but the power is under your control. It’s under your authority. So you use that authority and switch it on.


Now, if the power company doesn’t generate the electricity, you could flip that switch all you want, but if there’s no power there, nothing is going to happen. If someone who wasn’t yet born again tried to speak to sickness or a demon and command them to leave, it wouldn’t work. Nothing would happen because they don’t have the power of God inside them. This is what happened to the seven sons of Sceva (see Acts 19:11-16).

If you aren’t connected to the power source, if you aren’t truly born again, you can’t do what I’m sharing with you. But if you are truly born again and have received the power of the Holy Spirit according to Acts 1:8, then that power is in you, and it’s up to you to command it.

If you called the power company and said, “I have some friends coming over for lunch. Would you please turn on the power? I need it to cook the food, have light, and play soft music.”

It doesn’t matter how much you plead or how serious your need is, the power company isn’t going to send somebody out to flip the switch for you. They generate the power, but you must take your position of authority and flip the switch.

Many Christians today are praying and asking God to come over and flip their switch. They don’t realize that He’s placed that power on the inside of them. They don’t recognize their responsibility to flip their own switch. They aren’t believing God’s Word which reveals that they now have the power, authority, and responsibility to go and heal the sick. Instead of commanding and releasing this power that’s been given to them, they pray and ask God to heal the sick. That’s just as silly as asking the electric company to come over and turn on your lights!

Many Christians today are praying and asking God to come over and flip their switch. They don’t realize that He’s placed that power on the inside of them. They don’t recognize their responsibility to flip their own switch. They aren’t believing God’s Word which reveals that they now have the power, authority, and responsibility to go and heal the sick. Instead of commanding and releasing this power that’s been given to them, they pray and ask God to heal the sick. That’s just as silly as asking the electric company to come over and turn on your lights!


Some people take offense at this and say, “You just think you’re somebody special!” No, I’m nobody special. There is nothing special in me, but I carry the most special Person who has ever walked the face of this earth. The Lord Jesus Christ lives on the inside of me, and He’s given me His power and anointing. Just like Peter’s shadow touched people and they were healed, I’m believing for a day when my shadow will do the same. Some people might think, well, you arrogant thing! It’s not me, it’s Who I carry. He’s the same Person Peter carried. If it worked for him, it’ll work for me.

Scores of Christians are so focused on the physical, carnal, natural side of who they are that they don’t recognize that they aren’t only human. They don’t realize that they’ve been given supernatural power and authority. That’s why they aren’t seeing the power of God. There is a religious culture today that is against everything I’m teaching. It comes against this authority and tries to make you feel like you’re nothing, that you have no power and no authority.

You come to God as a beggar, pleading with Him to do what He’s told you in His Word that He’s already done. He told you to go out and represent Him so stop begging and pleading, bawling and squalling, and asking God to do things that it’s not His turn to do. Take a stand, use your authority, and command things to come to pass.


Jesus commissioned His disciples and sent them out saying: Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give. Matthew 10:8

You can’t give away something you don’t have. If you don’t believe that God has already done His part and put that raising-from-the-dead power on the inside of you, then you can’t go out and heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, or raise the dead. I wish I could just make people believe these truths, but I know I’m fighting against hundreds of years of religious traditions that have made the Word of God of none effect. (Mark 7:13.) God has already healed every person that will ever be healed.

That power has already been generated and is now deposited on the inside of every born-again, Spirit filled, tongue-talking believer. You have that power. It’s not up to God to heal the sick. It’s up to us to believe, take our authority, release that power, and command these things to happen. We must give—minister—this healing power to other people.

You have the power on the inside of you and you can command healings to come to pass.

Chapter 11 – Proclaim And Demonstrate

Whatsoever city ye enter…heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you. Luke 10:8,9

Jesus told us to heal the sick and preach the kingdom of God. However, so much of the church has just chosen to ignore the first part of our commission. Proclamation and demonstration should always go hand in hand. God’s Word needs to be confirmed with signs, wonders, and miracles. The Spirit-filled side of the church desires to see miracles and healings, but the way so many of them are going about it is to beg and plead with God, saying, “Oh God, I ask You to pour out Your Spirit. Do a new thing, and send revival.”

That’s not the approach the people in the Bible took. They believed that God had given them the authority. They went out and brought revival, commanded revival, and released revival by seeing miracles happen.

A true Christian is a person who not only has a proper doctrine about who Jesus is, but they can also demonstrate it by the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit. Why isn’t this happening more? The reason is that we are praying and asking God to do what He commanded us to do.


The Lord told us to go heal the sick. He didn’t tell us to pray and ask Him to heal the sick. Jesus told us to do it. God is the power source, but He’s placed that power on the inside of us.  He gave us the authority to use His name and His power. If we don’t command healing to come, it won’t happen. It’s not going to come by us begging and asking God to heal.

Perhaps you know someone who has an incurable disease. You’ve been praying and asking God to heal them. You’ve been trying to lay hold of God for healing, and you haven’t seen the manifestation yet. You’re fighting fear, doubt, and frustration. You need to recognize that you’re asking God to do what He asked you to do. God told you to go heal the sick. He told you to give—minister—His healing power. Just like Peter and John, you need to take your authority and command healing to manifest.


God desires for every person to respond to Him and receive salvation. “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to usward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.”  2 Peter 3:9

God doesn’t will for a single person to die and go to hell. Does that mean everyone will receive salvation? No, obviously not. Jesus said:  Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in there at: because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Matthew 7:13,14

The Bible clearly reveals that God’s will doesn’t just automatically come to pass. So much religion and tradition in the church today misrepresents God. It says, “Nothing happens without His direct or indirect approval. God either causes it or allows it.” This is not what the Word teaches. The reason this doctrine is so popular and people latch onto it is that it gives them an excuse and frees them from all personal responsibility. In other words, you can just pray, “Lord, if it’s Your will, please heal this person. If it’s Your will, save this marriage.” Then if it works—great. If it doesn’t, then it must not have been God’s will. This thinking takes us totally out of the picture. We have no responsibility or accountability in the matter. This is absolutely wrong!


Second Peter 3:9 clearly reveals that it’s not God’s will that anyone perish. Yet, people are perishing—lots of them. God doesn’t control or just allow these things. He’s not the One who “predestined” some people to be saved and others to be lost. There are a number of reasons why people are perishing instead of being saved.

Each individual person has a choice. God isn’t going to force anyone to be saved. He honors our free will. Some people—due to the lies and deception of the devil, or because they’ve been hurt and taken up an offense—are preoccupied with the cares of this life. They have rejected all of the invitations and interventions of God in their life. So, by their own free will, they are choosing not to make Jesus their Lord. Your faith can’t make a person get saved. That’s not what the Word of God teaches. “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.” Acts 16:31

In context, this is saying, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. And as each one of your family members believe on Him, they’ll be saved too.” Each person must believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and receive salvation for themselves. No one can do it for you, and you can’t do it for someone else. People have a choice in the matter. (More content in Evangelism Nuggets)

Perhaps believers aren’t preaching the true Gospel. They’re ministering religion and tradition instead. Maybe some Christians presented a negative witness with their lifestyle.

Perhaps the lost person had one bad experience with someone who said they were a believer, and because of it refuses to really listen to the true claims of Christ. Some way or another, it’s people who are messing things up. Satan is inspiring it. He’s doing his best to prejudice people against the Gospel. It’s not God’s will that any person die and go to hell, yet it’s happening.

 This same logic applies to healing, prosperity, and marriages. People say, ‘Well, if it’s God’s will, they’ll be healed whether you or I pray for them or not.” Apply the same reasoning to salvation and see how it sounds. “If it’s God’s will, people will be saved whether we minister to them or not.” That’s not true. We have a responsibility. We’ve been given power and authority to preach the Gospel.


“How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent.  So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Roman 10:14,15,17

It’s not God’s will for anyone to perish, but God relies on people to minister His Word and cause different things to change. God has given us both the authority and the responsibility to preach the Gospel. If we don’t take that responsibility and use that authority, the Word won’t be preached and people won’t get saved.

It’s not God’s will for our nation or this world to be in the mess it’s in. His will is for us all to reflect His values, submit to Him, and shine as a glorious church. However, it’s not working that way because people aren’t responding to Him properly.

Let’s stop begging God to do what He has told us to do. Instead of asking Him to send revival and save people, we need to go out and preach the Gospel with signs and wonders.  Let’s take what Jesus has already provided and make it manifest.

It’s His power, but it’s our authority (which He gave us) that makes it work. God’s power is released as we use our authority.

 Chapter 12 – Be A Witness

God gave power and authority to people to preach the Gospel, not to angels. Angels don’t have the authority to preach the Gospel—we do. God has limited Himself to preaching the Gospel through people.

God’s plan is for us to preach the truth of the Gospel, and for people to hear it and be born again through the incorruptible seed of God’s Word. However, Satan has come in through religious teaching, saying, “You don’t have to share God’s Word. Just pray them into the kingdom.” So now there are all these Christians who are praying and asking God to save people, and they never share the Gospel with them.

I’ve actually met people before who say they are “prayer warriors” who never get out of their closet. Their prayer list is so long, they can’t even read it all in an hour. They don’t share the Word with anyone, but they’re praying for a “great move of God.” That’s deception. It doesn’t happen that way. You can’t pray a person into the kingdom of God.


You have to be born again by the incorruptible seed of God’s Word. “Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.”  1 Peter 1:23

God’s Word is the seed. It must be planted in the ground of our heart. This is also like sowing a seed in the womb of a woman. You can’t conceive a child apart from this seed being sown. There was only one virgin birth, and there isn’t going to be another. You must get out of your prayer closet and sow the seed of God’s Word.

Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.  Romans 10:17

You can’t be born again without faith, and that faith comes through the seed of God’s Word.

PLANT THE SEED (Nuggets – praying for the lost)

Many Christians are praying for people to be born again, but they’re not praying about the planting of the seed. They’re not praying for someone to come across their path and preach the Gospel to these people. (Matt. 9:38.) They aren’t asking the Holy Spirit to bring back to their memory the words God has already spoken to them. (John 14:26.) They’re just thinking that they can pray somebody into the kingdom. That violates the power and authority God gave us when He told us to go preach the Gospel. The angel didn’t tell Cornelius how to get saved; Peter—a physical human being—had to do that.

God gave the power, authority, and responsibility for preaching the Gospel to people.

You may have been praying for someone for many years, but you’re frustrated and wondering, Why isn’t God saving this person? It may be because you aren’t praying right. Are you asking God to save them as if there were something He could do? He’s already done His part to provide salvation through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Lord commissioned us to preach the Gospel. If that person hasn’t received salvation, it’s either because they aren’t hearing the true Gospel, or they’re choosing to reject it. It’s not God who isn’t saving that individual.

There are ways you can pray to speed things up and enable the Holy Spirit to minister to this person more, but just praying and asking God, “Please save them” is useless. That’s not how the Word teaches us to do it.

“I’m just going to pray in my closet and believe that You’re going to do a miracle.” If this is you, then you’re just spitting in the wind. It isn’t going to work because that’s not how the kingdom operates.

I’m speaking this truth in love. If we ask God to save someone, but we don’t do what He commanded us to do—which is preach the Gospel and be a witness—then it isn’t going to happen. People must be born again through the Word of God. Prayer doesn’t cause people to be born again. Prayer may help once you’ve already shared the Gospel, but it’s not a substitute for doing what God has told us to do. People don’t get born again just through prayer; they get born again through hearing the truth. Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.  John 8:32


I pray. I spend a lot of time just fellowshipping and communing with the Lord. The vast majority of my prayer life is worshiping God, thanking the Lord, and asking Him for wisdom and instruction. As far as my ministry to others, I ask God to help me speak His Word with clarity and boldness. I pray that He would give me revelation knowledge, and better ways of communicating it to others.

However, I don’t spend any time asking God to “move” and save people. I don’t pray, “Oh, Lord. Please touch their hearts and cause them to be born again.” That’s because I know that God loves them more than I do. I’m convinced that He wants to touch their lives and see them born again…..The Lord knows that as people receive the truth into their heart, it will make them free.

Continued – Click on Link Below

Victory for the believer comes in knowing and choosing God’s truth.

“Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. She is more precious than rubies, nothing you desire can compare with her. Long life is in her right hand, in her left hand are riches and honor.”
Proverbs 3:13 – 16