Papa Hawk Perspectives

Renewing My Mind to God’s Word

Renewing My Mind to God’s Word

Renewing My Mind to God’s Word

It is the renewing of the mind through the Word of God that will
completely, thoroughly, and totally transform your life

Our minds are similar to a computer. It simply acts upon the information put into it. If all we have is carnal knowledge, then all we can be is carnal. But thank God, we can reprogram ourselves with the Word of God. 

At salvation, our spirit became as saved, sanctified, holy, and empowered as it will ever be throughout all eternity.  But we still have our soul and body that can be influenced and are in the process of change.  Our mind will continue to function as programmed until we reprogram it which is what the Bible calls the renewing of the mind. Our lives can be transformed by the renewing of our minds in God’s Word. (Romans 12:2)

Every problem, weakness or difficulty you have could be solved immediately if you could know the mind of God.

Therefore, victory in the Christian life is as simple as renewing our minds to who the Word says we are in Christ, as well as our inheritance, what we have already received in Christ. I was determined to not be controlled by my feelings or the circumstances, but to stand boldly, persistently and consistently on what the Word of God says.  And the Word says that the battle has already been fought and the victory has already been won thru Christ Jesus and the blood that He shed on the cross 2000 years ago!

If I want results in my life, I must go to the Word of God. I must take seeds – promises that talk about the fruit I want to produce – and start meditating on them.  Meditate on appropriate Scripture references hour after hour, day after day, week after week, month after month and, if necessary, year after year.  Over time, the promises from God’s Word that I have meditated on and renewed my mind to comes to pass and I receive the harvest, giving God all the praise, honor and glory!

As you meditate again and again on a specific promise from God, the passage of Scripture becomes a part of your innermost being. It takes up residence in your heart. You have programmed yourself with the promises of God instead of programming yourself with the bad news of the world and the enemy behind it.

Other people can teach God’s Word to you, but no one else can meditate on the Word of God for you. When you meditate on a promise from God, you must not take the promise lightly, you must believe that it is a Word from God to you personally.  I was, and still am, always excited to fill my heart and mind with magnificent promises and instructions from God’s Word.

The seed is the Word of God (Mark 4:14), and the ground is our hearts (Mark 4:15).

If you faithfully renew your mind in God’s Word, your attitude will change progressively. As the weeks and months go by, renewing your mind in God’s Word will enable you to look at everything more and more from God’s perspective and less and less from the perspective of the world. You will be able to clearly see and understand God’s will for your life because your mind is constantly being rejuvenated.  “Though our outer man is progressively wasting away, yet our inner self is being progressively renewed day after day.” (2 Corinthians 4:16)

And as we consistently renew our mind in God’s Word, we will think the way our Father wants us to think. We will live our lives the way He wants us to live. We will react to the conditions in the world the way God instructs us to react.  The fruit of the spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and self-control – will become more alive on the inside of us.

Making the Renewal Process as Simple as Possible
Over the years, I have transcribed literally dozens of articles or highlights of books just so I could have these Word seeds/nuggets/thought conditioners readily available in my office at home, corp office, briefcase, car, as well as my computer.  (And now I would have them on my phone but back when I was in the heat of the battle our phones didn’t have the ability/apps to store documents like these)

The objective?  To simplify the process and make it as easy as possible to access this information quickly and read/meditate on it.  I didn’t want to be caught unexpectedly with a period of down time for some reason and not have some “seed” readily available to renew my mind to Gods Word and “program my computer” for total and absolute success.  I made a conscious decision to be programmed by God and His Word instead of the world around me and the enemy behind it.

Your mind is a war zone and you are under attack. The battle for your life is won or lost in your mind.

I wasn’t just determined, I was maniacal, probably a mad man (but not upset lol) – totally focused just as much or more on the spiritual planting of seed, renewing my mind, programming my computer, as I was on doing the work in the physical realm every day.

Be Determined
I will say it again as it is worth repeating – become intentional in planting the seed of God’s Word in your heart and renewing your mind consistently to who the Word says we are in Christ, as well as our inheritance, what we have already received in Christ.  It is much easier to be obedient to God’s instructions, including being a happy and cheerful giver, if we have been diligent in renewing our mind to the promises and commandments in the Word.

Be determined to find time every day to establish these magnificent scriptural truths pertaining to the victory of Jesus Christ deep in your heart.  Get excited to take the Word of God and meditate on it to the degree that it saturates what you think about, what you talk about, and how you act. When God’s Word literally begins to control your life, you will prosper and have good success in every area of your life. (3 John 2) You will begin to prove – make manifest to your physical senses – God’s good, acceptable, and perfect will. As your faith grows, the revelation of the tremendous victory that Jesus Christ won for you should be much greater than any problem you will ever face in this life.

The intent is not to replace any other Bible study or Bible reading program you are pursuing but just to supplement it.  To help ensure that a day doesn’t go by without soaking in some promises from the Word, getting the Word from head/sense knowledge to being engrafted in your soul, knowing that it’s the power in the Word that controls our thinking and transforms our life.  One of the greatest teachers of success I have ever known had a simple formula – no activity in the spiritual, no supernatural results in the physical. 

Conformed or transformed – the choice is yours
So I made the conscious decision years ago to make sure I’m saturating myself with a solid dose of the Word daily before I spend time reading books about the Word or other secular content, or any other distractions for that matter.  I became very intentional – even obsessive in this regard. Just like we feed our physical body daily, feeding our spirit and renewing our minds daily in God’s Word is of vital importance!

If we are wise, we will have a burning desire to “direct your mind in the way of the Lord.” (Proverbs 23:19)  As we consistently renew our mind in God’s Word, we will think the way your Father wants us to think and we’ll turn away from the influence of the world. We will live our lives the way our Father wants us to live. We will react to the conditions in the world the way our Father instructs us to react.

For Scripture References, refer to “Renewing the Mind to the Word of God Scriptures”
in the “Word of God” section of

Victory for the believer comes in knowing and choosing God’s truth.

“Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. She is more precious than rubies, nothing you desire can compare with her. Long life is in her right hand, in her left hand are riches and honor.”
Proverbs 3:13 – 16