Renew the Mind

Renew the Mind

Renew the Mind

It is the renewing of the mind through the Word of God that will
completely, thoroughly, and totally transform your life.

Living an abundant life is as simple as renewing our minds to who we are and what we have already received in Christ.  A true revelation of God’s Word may be the single most important element of living a victorious Christian life.  All we can do is choose what we think about, the things of the Lord vs. the things of the world.  If we are occupied with the things of this world, we’ll never experience the transformation spoken of in Romans 12:2.  Do we want to live life on our power and our might or live by faith in the power of the Holy Spirit?  Do we want to rely on our own intellect or tap into the creator of the entire universe?  The whole kingdom of God – the Christian life, your victory, your success as a believer – is as simple as taking the Word of God and sowing it in your heart and allowing it to germinate in order to receive the harvest.

What does it mean to renew your mind? It means to begin thinking God's thoughts instead of the world's thoughts. Think about the truth instead of a lie.  Feed your brain the stuff that God thinks instead of wasting time thinking about what you saw on TV or in the news or social media.  Your life is changed when you begin to think differently, and the way you live is transformed by renewing your mind.