Who’s Going To Pull That Seed?

Who’s Going To Pull That Seed?

Who’s Going To Pull That Seed?

What is going to happen if you pull a seed of God’s Word out of the ground? It’s going to die, right?

The enemy knows that if seed is left in the ground, it will produce the harvest you want, whether it’s healing, prosperity, wisdom, protection or anything else. And when it produces that, you’ve torn down one of his strongholds. He’ll never dominate you in that area again.

Satan knows that the seed of God’s Word is an incorruptible seed, and it will produce if you leave it in the ground.

(If you keep watering it, it’ll produce even faster).

He realizes that, so somehow the enemy wants to get that seed pulled out of the ground before it produces the harvest in your life.

There are three different personalities involved with and interested in that seed. The first one is, obviously, the enemy.

Satan is Defeated  
Can Satan pull that seed out of the ground? No. He doesn’t have the right, the dominion or the authority. He is a defeated, paralyzed foe. He has no legal rights. He has no way to pull that seed out of the ground.

That seed is the incorruptible seed of the Word of God that you’ve planted with your mouth. If he tries to pull that out, he’s going to get burned, and he knows it. He doesn’t want to mess with that seed—that’s the Word of God.

The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us about 2,000 years ago. He tangled with that Word and got eternally defeated. So, he doesn’t want to try to pull that seed out himself. He can’t do that.

Nor can he can steal the seed. Let’s look at the parable of the sower sowing the Word.

The sower soweth the word. And these are they by the way side, where the word is sown; but when they have heard, Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts.  (Mark 4:14-15)

If someone sows the Word (for example, a preacher preaches the Word), and you sit there and think, “Well, that might be true and it might not,” Satan will steal that word before you can get a hold of it. Why? Because it has not been planted yet.

But once you take the Word and plant it in good ground with your mouth, Satan can’t pull it out of there. He doesn’t have any legal right to do it. That’s the incorruptible Word of God.

Satan has tried to fool us into thinking that he could destroy our faith, or that he could stop our faith, or that he could keep it from producing. But he has no legal right to do it and he does not have the ability. He is a defeated foe.

God is on Your Side
Let’s look at our Father, Almighty God. Could He pull the seed out? Yes, He could. But He won’t.

He’s trying to get you to plant it; He’s not trying to pull it out. Without faith, it’s impossible to please God. With faith, we do please God.

When we take our faith and plant the Word of God, we please Him. He’s not going to reach out there and pull that seed out of the ground!

How About You?
If God won’t do it, and Satan can’t do it, who is left to pull that seed out?

The person who planted it. You planted it. You’re the only one who can pull it out.

Let’s stop and think about that. How many people have planted their faith in particular areas and have not seen it work? They say, “My faith just didn’t work there. I tried to believe, but it just didn’t work.”

If you plant the seed, and if you’re the only one who can pull the seed out, then what has happened?

You must be the one who’s pulling it out of the ground before it grows. But, how are you doing it?

You pull the seed out the same way you put it in—with your mouth. You can pull the seed out after you plant it by changing what you are saying about the seed.

You can open your mouth and say, “Thank God, I believe I’m healed by the stripes of Jesus,” and go along for three or four days saying the same thing.

On the fifth day you might get a little discouraged and say, “I feel lousy today. I’ve had my faith out for four days and I don’t feel a bit better. I don’t know if this is working or not.” You just pulled the seed out!

You pulled it out yourself, with your own mouth.

The only way that seed can come out is for you to pull it out. And the only way you can pull it out is to change what you’re saying about the seed.  You must maintain your focus on the Word and refuse to grow weary by speaking defeat over your seed or circumstances.  

Mark Brazee

Victory for the believer comes in knowing and choosing God’s truth.

“Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. She is more precious than rubies, nothing you desire can compare with her. Long life is in her right hand, in her left hand are riches and honor.”
Proverbs 3:13 – 16