Renewing the Mind In God’s Word Thought Conditioners

Renewing the Mind In God’s Word Thought Conditioners

Renewing the Mind In God’s Word Thought Conditioners

It is the renewing of the mind through the Word of God that will completely, thoroughly, and totally transform your life…

Why does it seem like our lives aren’t working the way we need them to work? Why do we lack the power to live the way we want? Why do we often make so many irrational and self-defeating decisions? Why do we try so hard to change but end up doing the things we hate?

Strongholds of fear, anger, poverty, low self-esteem, pride and selfishness continue to control many Christians years after they are saved. Though they have prayed about them and try to get deliverance, the problem persists. And these things will never change in their lives until they are transformed by the renewing of their minds.

I have gained a much greater understanding of why so many Christians never walk in the peace, joy and freedom of their salvation.  We will not live the life Jesus died to give us if we hold onto old, traditional, carnal or negative ways of thinking.  But we can walk in the freedom of God’s blessed, abundant life through the renewing of our mind.

Do you want to change from being weak, inferior and bound by all kinds of problems into someone who releases and experiences the abundant life of God from within? The word of God reveals that the way to do this is by the renewing of your mind. You must renew your mind to the word of God.

How many Christians hang onto the thoughts and attitudes of the world and never renew their minds to the Word of God? So many stay in their wilderness of depression, sin, stress, poverty or whatever problem may come along, and they never experience the promised land God has given them. Remember, John 10:10 says, “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”

Every problem, weakness or difficulty you have could be solved immediately if you could know the mind of God. But it takes effort, dedication and faithfulness to renew your mind. Mind renewal is not like the new birth. It is a process and doesn’t come overnight. Though your spirit is renewed and transformed, your soul must be saved. Saved from what? From the world’s influence and thinking.

So many Christians struggle through life with negative attitudes, sin, failures, divorce and depression and wonder why it’s all happening to them. The fact is, they are still conformed to the world, and because their mind has not been renewed, they can’t prove what is the good, acceptable and perfect will of God in their lives. (James 1:13 – 15)

Everything that you and I need to know about happiness and success is contained within the binding of one book – the Holy Bible. 

When you study and meditate on God’s Word, it changes the way you think. As our thinking changes, so does our life.  That’s why we must get to where we are dominated by the Word of God.

The Lord has given this revelation that it’s not who I am, what I look like, or any other natural thing that will impact the world for him. It’s the Word of God that changes people’s lives.

I cannot tell you strongly enough how important it is to renew your mind to God’s word by planting the seed of His Word in your heart long before you need the fruit of the harvest. It could mean the difference between peace and anxiety/depression, health or sickness, prosperity and poverty, or even life and death.

Do not attempt to intellectualize this process. Continually plant these magnificent spiritual seeds with unwavering faith in Almighty God. If Jesus told you that His Word is a seed and that the good soil to plant these seeds is your heart, that is all you need to know. You should be determined to plant as many seeds as you possibly can into the fertile spiritual soil of your heart.

Christians who have financial challenges should plant financial seeds from God’s Word in their hearts. If you have severe sickness in your body, you should continually plant healing seeds in your heart. You cannot plant the seeds continually “without producing any effect.”

This takes conscious effort. If you are just going to give God a couple of hours a week, your mind will not be renewed. The Word won’t be implanted in you. You might know it with your head, but it’s the engrafted Word in your soul that changes you. It’s the Word of God that controls your thinking and transforms your life.

Jesus died to give you an abundant life. The only thing that stands between you and living the abundant life is what is going on between your ears! Make the commitment to renew your mind to the promises of God’s word and let the revolutionary transformation of your life begin right now.

Abundant life has been provided! But you must possess it. It won’t fall on you like rain from the sky. Daily change is the life destined for every born-again Christian. If you aren’t willing to change, renew your mind and go for it, you may live your whole life without receiving much of what God has provided for you. But if you are willing to change and begin renewing your mind, you can start living the abundant life God has provided for you!

As we renew our minds according to the Word of God and live according to His principles, we will see His abundance spiritually, mentally, physically and financially. We do not live for the blessing; we live for God, and as we live for Him, His abundant life and blessings are ours.

Renewing the mind is an exciting journey of change and discovery that enables us to see God’s will come to pass in our lives. There is no greater joy or fulfillment than to know that we are fulfilling the perfect will of God. And there is no other way, according to the Bible, to prove the will of God in our lives than by the renewing of the mind. That is how we see God as He really is and how we grow up into his image.

Romans 12:2 clearly shows us there is more to Christian living than what many think. Renewing the mind is so much more than going through religious motions. It is possible to read the Bible, pray and go to church and yet never renew your mind. The person who sins all week but is a faithful church attendee proves that. The pastor who preaches great sermons but is eventually caught in adultery proves that.

Christians spend a lot of time reading their Bibles, but many of them have a negative mental attitude about everything. The reason that their mental attitude is not right is because they are only reading the Bible, and they are not meditating upon the Word. The Bible stresses the importance of meditation in God’s Word.

All you can do is choose what you think on, the things of the Lord vs. the things of the world. If you are occupied with the things of this world, you’ll never experience transformation. If you want your mind to be transformed, like a caterpillar into a butterfly, the way you do it is by putting your mind on God through His Word. If you desire to be poured into God’s mold, you do it by the Word of God. There is no other system that God has in place.

Therefore, victory in the Christian life is as simple as renewing our minds to who we are and what we have already received in Christ. It’s not the struggle of two natures inside of us; we are the way we think (Prov. 23:7).

A true revelation of God’s Word is the single most important element of a victorious Christian life.  When you think spiritually minded thoughts, you get life and peace. When you don’t, you get death. “For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.” (Romans 8:6)

The whole kingdom of God – the Christian life, your victory, your success as a believer – is as simple as taking the Word of God and sowing it in your heart. If you will just cooperate and let the Word of God germinate, you will change effortlessly.

Jesus has already won the victory. You are more than a conqueror through Him that loves you. When you have the Word of God in your heart, it begins to renew your mind and it will change you.  When your mind is renewed, you become convinced these things are true. When this happens, your life will never be the same.

When you align your thoughts with God’s thoughts and you start dwelling on the promises of His Word, when you renew your mind with thoughts of His victory, favor, faith, power and strength, nothing can hold you back.  When you think positive, excellent thoughts, you will be propelled towards greatness, inevitably bound for increase, promotion and God’s supernatural blessings. 

As you dwell on and renew your mind to the promises of God’s Word, you will be filled with hope.  You will develop a positive attitude of faith, and you will draw in the victory.  Like metal filings being pulled across a desk by a magnet, you will draw in the good things of God.

Long-term change through the renewing of the mind is the master key to all Christian growth. As we give ourselves to continued change and growth, we develop a flow in life that keeps us free from the negativity of stagnation. And we continually move forward in the will of God. Jesus said we must continue in his Word before we can know the truth. But then He said that the truth will set us free. Those who want a quick fix and don’t continue in the truth never see freedom.

I have never been more built up and charged up since I began studying how to renew my mind. I have discovered the vital importance of keeping it renewed. Understanding and going through this process has removed so many barriers and limitations I had placed on God’s ability to move in my life—ways of seeing myself, my family, my church, and my God that had kept me from receiving everything Jesus died to give me. When I got serious about renewing my mind, I discovered the key to receiving God’s best!

“While the earth remains, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” (Genesis 8:22).

This law of seed, time and harvest operates in every area of our lives. If we will plant God’s Word in our hearts, then allow the seed to germinate and the plant to grow to maturity, we will reap the fruit of a harvest. That is God’s best!

God’s laws of “seed, time and harvest`” have existed since God created the earth. God’s laws of sowing and reaping “shall not cease.” Your Father tells you that you should meditate day and night on his Word because he wants you to continually plant spiritual seeds from His Word in your heart throughout every day and night of your life.

God’s laws of sowing and reaping applies to every area of your life. God’s laws of sowing and reaping work for all of us, whether or not we realize that this process is taking place. We all will reap whatever we sow in many different areas of our lives.

Even though it does not make sense to attempt to receive a harvest without planting seeds, this is exactly what many Christians do. Many Christians attempt to receive a harvest of (healing, deliverance, prosperity, etc.) without faithfully planting the seed of the Word in the good soil of their hearts.

The number one reason why people aren’t receiving from God is because they literally haven’t taken the truths of his Word and planted them in their heart.

I just needed to eliminate the things that occupy my attention and devote myself completely to God. If I put the Word of God first place in my heart, then the Word will produce an abundant harvest in my life.

You must plant a seed, which is the Word of God. If you aren’t reaping what the Word of God says, you haven’t planted what the Word of God says to plant. You reap what you sow. If the Word of God is primary in your life, you’re going to get the results of the Word of God.  That doesn’t mean Satan won’t fight you and you won’t have problems. The end result will be you’re going to have what the Word of God says. Satan may fight you, but you’ll win. Many of us know this intellectually, but in our hearts, there is fear or reservation. We don’t have the absolute confidence that God’s Word is going to prevail in our lives.

You must learn how to sow seeds from the Bible into the “good soil” of your heart. If you “grasp” what the Word of God says about your situation and “comprehend” and understand these great spiritual truths, you will persevere because of your faith in God. Your faith, patience and perseverance ultimately will be honored when all of the seeds you have planted “bear fruit” and produce a marvelous harvest from God.

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. (John 3:2)

If you understand that the soul is not the same as the spirit, you can see why it is possible to be a born-again Christian with a saved spirit but struggling in life because of an un-renewed soul. This is why in Romans 12:2 God tells every believer to be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

While your spirit is re-created instantly when you make Jesus the Lord of your life, your mind, which is part of the soul, must be changed through an ongoing process. It is not an instantaneous change. It takes commitment, determination and desire to bring it to pass. Making that change is called renewing the mind. And though it is the key to all Christian growth, most Christians do little of it because of a lack of knowledge or a lack of discipline.

Your soul is your mind, will and emotions. Spiritual growth is determined by how much your soul is changed by the Word of God. The more you know the Word, the more you conform to the image of Jesus. When you are born again, nothing is wrong with your spirit – the life of God is in there – but you are hindered from living a spiritual life by a soul (mind) that thinks like the world instead of like God.

Your soul, which is what the Bible calls the mental-emotional part of you, didn’t automatically change when you received Jesus as Lord. It’s subject to change, but you have to renew your mind to experience change in your mind and emotions.

In order for us to prosper as our Father wants us to prosper, our souls must prosper. In order for our souls to prosper, God’s Word must dominate our lives. God’s instructions to us must be the absolute center of our lives. Everything that we think and say and do must revolve around his instructions to us.

Godly prosperity and health begin on the inside of your soul. Notice the phrase in 3 John 2 “as your soul prospers.” The outward, external health and prosperity seen by others is only an expression of a far greater health and prosperity inside of you.

When the mind has been renewed with the Word of God, the Spirit through the renewed mind can control the body. The soul (mind) will then take sides with the Spirit because it knows the Word. The soul / mind is renewed with the Word which will allow the spirit to dominate.

If we want to prosper here on earth, our minds must be renewed. Our souls must be brought into line with the promises in God’s word.

God wants us to renew our minds because he wants to restore our souls – to make them “brand-new.”  Our souls must be restored. Our souls must be made new. We must get rid of our old ways and start out anew.

As believers in Christ, we are to conform to the image of God’s Son (Rom. 8:29). You and I ought to act just like Jesus. The only thing that stands in the way is our soul. Without a renewed mind, we could not dare to walk and act like Jesus.

The truth is, when you were born again, God put His power, anointing, victory, joy, peace—everything—in you in abundance. The only reason they aren’t manifest in your soul and body is your unrenewed mind. It’s not that God didn’t give it but that you’re still looking at the physical realm instead of His spiritual mirror.

At the Second Coming of Christ, or when you die and go to Him, the change in your soul will be instantly completed. Then when the Lord returns, your spirit and soul will be reunited with your glorified body. At that time, all three will be perfect. But until then, the Christian life is renewing your mind and acknowledging the perfection already in your spirit so that your soul and physical body can experience the benefits of salvation!

If we don’t continually renew our minds, we leave them wide open to doubts, fears and anxieties about the worldly situations that surround us. Our souls cannot prosper unless our minds are under control and our minds won’t be under control unless we can cast out all negative imaginations and bring every one of our thoughts completely in line with the Word of God. If our minds are properly renewed, we will decide what we are going to think about. We will refuse to let any external situation control our thought process.

The Word of God is so powerful that the world we live in and all of the planets, stars and galaxies in the entire universe are controlled by it. “Upholding and maintaining and guiding and propelling the universe by His mighty word of power.” (Hebrews 1:3).

There is no stronger foundation than the word of God in which to build your future. 

You must understand that the supernatural living Word of God is much more powerful than any challenge, lack, or sickness anyone has ever experienced. Hebrews 1:3 says that the universe is “maintained” by the Word of God. When something is maintained, it is in working order so that it will operate efficiently. The Word of God is so powerful that it is able to keep the universe in perfect working order at all times. If God’s Word has enough power to hold up the entire universe you can be certain that God’s Word is powerful enough to deliver you or meet any need.

God’s Word contains His life in it. If you would take His Words, His sayings, and put them on the inside of you, then God’s kind of life would start flowing through you. You would find that healing, prosperity, joy, peace – everything Jesus provided – are contained in God’s Word.

You release enormous spiritual power when you speak the Word of God with faith as you meditate on it. The cumulative effect of speaking these words from God again and again definitely will increase your faith in God.

You release the supernatural power of Almighty God when you continually personalize Scripture, speaking it boldly. The cumulative effect of this meditation is enormous. As this renewal process continues over days, weeks and months the Scripture you are meditating on will rise up inside of you. This Scripture will become more and more real to you. You will become certain that you will receive (the blessing) that Jesus has provided for you.

You must understand that the Scripture you are meditating on is alive – it has a spiritual life of its own. You must know that the Scripture you are meditating on is “full of power” from God.

I actually quit worrying about the visible results to a large degree. Instead, I focused on taking the Word of God and keeping it in my heart. I knew that if I kept God’s Word dwelling on the inside of me that it would literally begin to put down roots through every part of my being and the power of the Word would start permeating through me.

What does your Father tell you that his supernatural living Word will do for you if you continually plant it in the fertile soil of your heart? God’s word will work effectively in you to the degree that you believe it will.

The word of God is infinitely above anything on this earth. The word of God is filled with precious supernatural spiritual seeds that are filled with the living power of God Himself. If you continually plant these precious seeds from God’s Word in your heart, you actually are planting the power of Almighty God deep down inside of yourself.

If God’s Word is planted in your heart, you’ll receive. It doesn’t matter what you feel — God’s Word will produce a miracle.

If you devote yourself completely to the Lord and his Word, God’s Word will make you a success. It will cause fruit to come in whatever area he has called and anointed you to minister.   

“…we also [especially] thank God continually for this, that when you received the message of God [which you heard] from us, you welcomed it not as the word of [mere] men, but as it truly is, the Word of God, which is effectually at work in you who believe [exercising its superhuman power in those who adhere to and trust in and rely on it]”  (1 Thessalonians 2:13)

The amplification of this passage of Scripture tells you that the Word of God has “superhuman power.” You cannot even begin to understand with your limited human understanding the immense power of the Word of God that you are planting in your heart. The supernatural power of the Word of God will produce a harvest in your life if you “adhere to and trust in and rely on it.”

You will be able to tap into God’s supernatural power if you continually fill your eyes and your ears with His Word. Have you had the experience of hearing a song and being unable to get this song out of your mind for several hours? Your Father wants His Word to be like this throughout every day and night of your life. You will receive significant revelation from the Holy Spirit if you meditate constantly on the Word of God. Your eyes, your ears, your heart, your mind and your mouth will be so full of God’s Word that it will dominate every aspect of your life.

Every aspect of your life should revolve around your mind and your heart being filled continually with the supernatural power of the living Word of God. You will focus on God’s promises and instructions continually if your eyes and your ears are constantly being filled with God’s Word. You will be encouraged if you saturate yourself in the Word of God.

Continued – Click on Link Below

Victory for the believer comes in knowing and choosing God’s truth.

“Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. She is more precious than rubies, nothing you desire can compare with her. Long life is in her right hand, in her left hand are riches and honor.”
Proverbs 3:13 – 16